Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stepping out of the Spiritual Closet - A Leap of Faith

Every time I thought about becoming a professional healer, the thought of stepping out of the spiritual closet scared me. I feared teasing and name-calling. I wondered if my friends and family would call me a freak, weirdo or a phony and a fraud. I had lived a double-life before - the 'normal' me and the online me who belonged in spiritual groups. The stress of maintaining multiple email addresses, finding hidden time to practice my healing methods and meditate, calling my spiritual workshops as "psychology course" took a toll on me. One day, I decided. 'Enough is Enough'. I wrote this letter to all those who I anticipated would judge me.

Even though you never knew, I have been this person all my life. I am no different than what I was yesterday. I act, walk, talk the same way. My likes are the same, I watch the same TV shows and movies as I previously did. I still enjoy a good drink and a hearty laugh. I love to sing and dance, just the way I did. I dress the same and will engage in conversations that interest us both. I will NOT try to convince you of my beliefs and I will NEVER try to convert you. You have your own beliefs, as do I. Let us learn to respect and co-exist. 

For those who are scared and worried about coming out of the spiritual closet/broom closet - Fear of the thing is worse than the thing itself. Your imagination has more power over you than what anyone says or thinks. When someone treats you cruelly, be compassionate. Spiritual or religious debates go nowhere. As firm as you are in believing in what you do, so are they. If they judge you for being alternative, do not judge them for being traditional or plainly different from you. Instead, as you experience the ostracization, send out compassion. This works in two ways - one, as you draw from the universe to send a positive energy, it fills you as well and two, when you do not react to a conflict, the other party usually loses interest.

While you sit in meditation, ask yourself this - why do I fear ridicule? Is there an inherent need in me for acceptance and approval? Also, keep in mind that with spiritual change comes change in other aspects of your life as well such as romance, career and other relationships. Trust that these changes are for the highest good. If a relationship falls apart because of difference in beliefs, so be it. Know that the universe is removing this relationship to create space for new ones that resonate with you.

Prayer: Archangel Michael, I pray that you protect me from harsh words, people and environments. I trust that any change that occurs is for the highest good. Give me the assurance and strength to move away from energies that drain me, and towards energies that vitalize me. Help me be non-judgmental and a true channel of Divine Love. I trust that my need for acceptance and approval, which gives rise to this fear, will be healed and fulfilled. Thank you.

The following card from Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Cards has a beautiful message.

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